Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Canary Bird

There are many types of walnuts in the world. Warnan of bird named latin Serinus Canaria is also diverse, ranging from the yellow, green, red and others.

Picture source : www.jawa-timur.pasang.com

Why is this bird called a canary, because birds from finches class of its Latin name meaning "Canary Islands". islands' name comes from the Latin name canariae insulae ("islands dog") used by Arnobius, referring to the big dogs kept by the inhabitants of islands. A legend of the islands, however, states that the conquistadors who named the islands after fierce tribes inhabit the largest island of the group, known as 'Canarii'. Canary yellow color in turn named for the domestic canary yellow, which is produced by mutations that suppress the melanins from wild dull-greenish color of the original walnut.
Source: (http://en.wikipedia.org)


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