For those who do not have a big house, keep this bird is a good idea. In addition to the chirping of birds have a low volume, high tone of the bird is able to refresh the atmosphere in the house.
Bird tledekan have a smaller body size than in canaries. At first glance, it looks like a magpie bird stone, but the size is smaller and the tail of the magpie bird is not along the stone. These birds like insects as food. If the pet as a pet or bird contest, usually maintainer Kroto and caterpillar feeding. To tledekan that has been maintained since childhood by humans, birds typically get used to eating tledekan already in voer as its main food. Although, we can also get food tledekan voer in birds that were captured from the wild just now.
Characteristic of this bird is a style that 'nyeklek' or singing in a style looked upwards. Moreover, sometimes, this is done with style nyeklek remain standing on the perch. So during the chirp, this tledekan burug not move where. For some people, this bird is chirping like a bird that has a nice style in addition to high-volume voice, meng'kristal 'and clear.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
10:22 PM
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